Nóta na hAoine 26ú Deireadh Fómhair 2012

[gview file=”https://www.gse.ie/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Nóta-na-hAoine-26ú-Deireadh-Fómhair-2012.pdf”]

School as normal on Monday 29th October – there will be no afterschool provision.  Tuesday 30th October Fancy dress & Halloween Party 12pm finish!!
School re-opens again after half term On Monday 5th November including re-commencement of Afterschools Club.

As of today,  Friday 26/10/2012 Rang 1 – R3 children will be partaking in PE lessons at  the Valley Leisure Centre.  Be sure that children come to school dressed in appropriate sports gear each Friday going forward.  Rang 4/5 and 6 children will continue to partake in sport sessions at Edmund Rice of a Tuesday morning and therefore require sports gear on this day.
Afterschool sports for senior children (R4/5 &6) is also to take place at the Valley on Friday afternoons, going forward from today, children should be picked up from the Valley at 3.30pm.

Computer Based Assessments
Statutory Computer Based Assessments have been rolled out in recent weeks for all Rang 4/5/6 children and are almost complete.  We take this opportunity to inform parents that parent/teacher meetings for parents of children in the relevant classes will be scheduled for week commencing 12th November. The purpose of the meetings is for teachers to report to parents how their children performed in Communication and in Numeracy. Individual times and dates will be notified in the first week back after mid-term.

Transfer Preparation
Extra Literacy and Numeracy workshops will commence as an after-school activity for current Rang 6 children after mid-term as follows;
Monday 12th November onwards
3pm – 4pm Literacey (Múinteoir Maighréad)
Tuesday 13th November onwards
3pm-4pm Numeracy (Múinteoir Sinéad R6)

First Aid For Parents
Ashgrove Primary school has invited Gaelscoil Éanna staff and parents to attend a First Aid information evening in Ashgrove Primary School on Wednesday 7th November.  We would hope that this evening will be helpful to parents, grandparents, childminders or anyone involved in the care of children, particularly on the unfortunate occasion when first aid may be required.  The cost of this evening will be £2.00, anyone wishing to attend please speak to Danielle at school office.

Rang 1 homework –  will commence after the mid-term break and all children will need a schoolbag to carry homewaork diary and relevant books etc to and from home.
There are a small number of merchandised bags with school name, logo etc available to purchase from school office at a cost of £5.00 if your child does not already have a bag.

Rang 4/5/6 Book Swap
Last year Rang 5 children took part in a ‘Book Swap’ or ‘MalartúLeabhair’ giving them the chance to enjoy the books of others in their own class.  This year’s first ‘Malartú Leabhair ‘ for Rang 6 will take place on Monday 29th October to allow them time to read the books over the mid-term break.  All parents are asked to ensure their child’s name is written on each book they bring in for the temporary swap.MúinteoirCiarán will arrange a date for first swap in his class after mid term.

Reminder – There is a pupil in the school with a nut allergy and as such NO NUTS OR NUT PRODUCTS ARE TO BE BROUGHT INTO SCHOOL IN LUNCH BAGS. The same pupil has a seame seed allergy and therefore we encourage parents to be careful in selection of breads etc for lunch bags.
Raffle of Halloween Hamper will take place ón Tuesday at Halloween party, last minute tickets can be purchased ón Monday from school office – Cost is £1.00 per ticket and lucky winner will take hamper and it’s goodies home just ón time for their own Halloween House Party – Many thanks again to the aunt of Barra McGrath Rang 1 for her kind donation of hamper.

The Chuck and The Chick – A hilarious and moving story, a play that is not to be missed will take place at Naomh Éanna CLG tonight Friday 26th October, 8-late. We hope to see as many parents there as possible!!!!!!!

Irish Crash Course
Saturday 27th October – Three levels – Beginner, Intermediate and Higher
Gaelscoil Éanna 10.00am -2.30pm £15 Full Fee or £10 Concession.